Savasi Island Resort

16th Year Anniversary – Savasi’s Success Story

Savasi Island Resort has won awards from the likes of TripAdvisor as one of the best resorts in Fiji, the South Pacific and internationally. It may surprise you then, that before all of this, Savasi was a simple bed and breakfast accommodation hidden on a small island accessible by a bridge from mainland Savusavu. 2024 marks Savasi Island Resort’s 16th year anniversary and we’re taking you down memory lane to where and when it all started.

  • 2008


    Savasi Established

    While he was on a trip to Fiji in 2005, owner Paul stumbled upon Savasi Island. He then began work on the 52 acre island known today as Savasi Island Resort, seeing the potential of its beautiful location and lush landscape.

  • 2010


    First Villa Built

    2 Years after it was established, Savasi Island Resort opened it’s doors to guests. The accommodation? The Waterfall Villa that was built around a spectacular old banyan tree and perched on a cliff, setting the standard of Savasi’s accommodation that was built in tune with nature. We welcomed some of our first guests from Australia and New Zealand. 

  • 2013


    Word Spreads

    As word spread about Savasi Island Resort, the resort welcomes more guests and earned the distinction of being named Savusavu’s number one property on TripAdvisor. This recognition highlighted our hidden-gem status, celebrated for our incredible natural beauty, luxurious accommodations, and the unparalleled warmth of Fijian hospitality.

  • 2016


    Cyclone Winston’s Devastation

    Exactly 8 years after the establishment of Savasi a category 5 cyclone struck Fiji destroying villages, homes and sadly some lives were lost. Cyclone Winston also caused severe damage and destruction to Savasi Island Resort. Despite the devastation, the resort and it’s team demonstrated remarkable resilience. We undertook massive renovations, including the rebuilding of our central dining room and bar, ensuring our guests could continue to enjoy our exceptional services and facilities.

  • 2018


    Expansion and Renovation

    The period between 2017 and 2019 saw significant growth for Savasi. The resort built new villas and transformed the historic Fijian vessel ‘Tui Tai’ into an innovative new accommodation, now known as Serenity. Serenity is now moored on land and is equipped with a lounge, jacuzzi and 5 beautiful rooms. These additions enhanced our offerings, providing guests with unique and memorable experiences.

  • 2019


    Ma named Bulanaire

    In 2019, our very own Ma was selected as an official ‘Happiness Ambassador’ for Tourism Fiji’s Bulanaire campaign. This honour showcased the genuine warmth and joy that defines the Savasi experience, further elevating our reputation on the global stage.

  • 2020


    Covid Shuts Fiji’s Borders

    In the year 2020, the Covid Pandemic spread across the globe forcing countries to close their borders and airlines to temporary cease operations. In what seemed like an eternity Fiji closed it’s borders to the world forcing properties like ours to evaluate our operations. This presented immense challenge to Savasi Island resort and it’s staff, but we remained steadfast. The resort adhered to strict health protocols and prioritized the well-being of our visitors, during this time we continued operating and welcomed local visitors. Our commitment to safety and excellence ensured that we remained a sanctuary for those who could travel domestically.

  • 2021


    Borders Reopen

    After 20 long months, Fiji’s borders finally reopened. The resilience and adaptability demonstrated by our team during this period reinforced our dedication to guest satisfaction and paved the way for a brighter future in post-pandemic travel.

  • 2024


    Savasi Goes Viral Online

    In 2024 the resort continued to build and adapt to trends and the use of digital platforms to show Savasi to the world. One of the major highlights in 2024 was when our TikTok video “I’m Fijian” received over 4 million views, putting Fiji and the resort on a global stage. The video captures the authentic warmth and beauty of our team, and the genuine connections and moments that make Fiji such a special travel destination.


    Vinaka Vakalevu!

    Here’s to many more years of happiness, laughter and cherished memories.

As we look back with pride and gratitude at how far we’ve come Savasi Island Resort remains committed to providing exceptional experiences, luxurious accommodations, and the warm Fijian hospitality that our guests have come to love. We thank and appreciate all our staff and guests who have been a part of our 16 year journey.